I was born on 18 July 1965 in Amsterdam and raised in “Het Gooi (Vreeland). After having completed Grammar School at the “Comenius College” in Hilversum in 1983 and after obtaining my master degree in the French Language and Literature at the State University of Utrecht in 1988, I decided to jump into the deep by moving to Egypt. I lived and worked in Egypt for over 20 years. I permanently returned to Holland since the end of 2013.
This experience of living in another country, gave me the opportunity to experience many cultures with different ways of thinking and gave me so many challenges that nothing surprises me anymore and I do not find something odd easily. Also I learned the importance of having people around you that you can trust and rely upon and that you feel at ease with asking them for help when needed. This was a valuable lesson as I prefer to do everything by myself and I don’t like to bother anybody.
When my mother passed away, in 2006, after a very short period illness, my father found himself all alone. I helped him to re-organize the house and his life to adapt to the new situation, even that I was still living in Egypt. The idea of becoming a Professional Organizer was born, as I couldn’t imagine that my father would be the only person to find himself in this situation. Not knowing where to turn for help other than to me.
I know, from personal experience, what happens when you lose a loved member of your family and how many time-consuming, emotional challenges you have to face. This became even clearer to me when my father passed away in 2010, as he had named me executive of his will.
The good news is that I can help you with many of these tasks, so that you find the peace and calm to grieve instead of worrying about work you still have to do.
I am also happy to help you with all other activities that I have gained ample experience in during my 30 year career, such as:
- Prepare your move and organize your new home after the move
- Prepare your home for rent or sale or manage your home during your absence
- Help you prepare a file to leave for your next-of-kin/prepare an emergency file
- Organize events (f.e. birthdays, anniversaries, receptions, dinner parties, etc.)
- Assistance with your pets (dogs, horses)
- Help organizing your pictures
- Administrative, secretarial support (f.e. arrange transportation, make reservations. etc.)
- Assistance with subscribing or cancelling subscriptions
Apart from my private clients I also assist business clients like small scale companies, one-man businesses and foundations with administration, the organizing of big and small events, keeping content on the website up-to-date, preparing a newsletter and preparation of (PowerPoint) presentations.
Please click on the Linkedin button at the bottom of the page for more information about my professional experience.
I am a member of the Dutch Professional Organization of Professional Organizers (NBPO).